Our A.C.E.™

A.C.E.™ guides every Hillside Communications program: Audience,
Content and Educator skills

Our A.C.E.™ Signature Method

A.C.E.™ guides every Hillside Communications program: Audience, Content and Educator skills

How We Do It

Applying the latest research in adult learning theory, we will train your presenter experts to be expert presenters.

Hillside Communications utilizes our signature A.C.E.™ method of instruction for all our workshops. Developed by co-founder, Christopher Hill, PhD, the A.C.E.™ method recognizes the three important components that must be considered when designing effective education —

  • The Audience – Who are they? What do they need to learn?
  • The Content – What information must they understand, remember, and apply?
  • The Educator – What is the situation, (in-person, online, one-on-one, small audience, large audience, etc.), and what skills does the presenter need to be successful?

The Audience

An effective presentation is prepared to meet the existing knowledge and interest of an audience. Do you know all you need about them build a “fit” for them?

The Content

Of all the information you will shere, what 
must the audience remember. How will it 
benefit them, if they apply it?

The Educator

What is the environment in which the teaching will happen,
and do the presenters have the skills to operate effectively in it?

Key Benefits


Audience – Who will you reach?

A successful presentation carefully “fits” its audience, including their knowledge, interests, and expectations. Hillside Communications works with presenters and guides them to consider their expected audience strategically.


Content – What will they remember?

The information to be delivered must be carefully distilled to its essentials and organized into a logical and memorable narrative. Hillside Communications works with presenters to create an engaging beginning, a memorable middle, and a powerful conclusion.


Educator – Who are your messengers?

An effective educator adapts to their teaching situation, whatever its advantages or limitations. In real-world training, Hillside Communications gives presenters a chance to practice and master the skills they need to succeed.


Much More Than Presentation Skills

Hillside Communications training combines every aspect of your event to deliver
a coherent and impactful 
educational outcome.

What our clients are saying